We are pleased to introduce to you three new services that will help extend your virtual systems with a copy or running function in our VS-Cloud environment.
Data is very important in the business world that uses technology. Developing and maintaining your own set of servers and the facilities to house it can be painful and costly. DKNXT, Inc. DBA Your Tech Guys takes the pain away.
Redundant links, power protection and backup, racks and best of all, in-house service on your mission critical servers and data. Whether you want to develop direct private connectivity or "virtual" connectivity, we have the facility, the manpower, the knowledge and the experience to give you what you are looking for. DKNXT understands your need for 24/7 uptime and protection of your expensive equipment's health.
Depending on what you are looking for, we provide from simple collocation services to fully managed virtual private data networks (or fully managed private dedicated data network). You can have the capabilities to access your data from anywhere on the globe as long as you can touch the Internet. With our monitoring capabilities, we are well aware of any hiccups that may occur in the variable nature of technology... Our staff of professionals will be there for you.
Inclusively, we use reliable state of the art technology to provide you these accesses. If the success of your business revolves around technology, having DKNXT, we can deliver a successful technology to your business.
Contact us for a free consultation and let us introduce to you what you are missing.
Data Center Locations that we currently use:
"Our experience with DKNXT has been very positive. In the past, we found it almost impossible to find, afford and hire I/T professionals with sufficient knowledge of the many areas in which we needed experience. One would have knowledge of online databases, another would know about web sites and servers, someone else was needed for web-based e-mail, online security was someone else's niche, etc... Because Binh and his staff are out there in the working world encountering and providing solutions to these kinds of problems and others every day, I think it would be difficult to actually find an area that they aren't already very experienced in."
President CEO
William Taylor
Mortgages Direct, Inc.
"Mortgage Professionals"